Tuesday, June 12, 2012

FREE & FRUGAL Summer Activities for the Kids

Some are free, some are frugal.  If you have other ideas, please be sure to leave them in the comments!!

Read Read Read!!  Be sure to check out your local library for FUN Summer activities & programs they offer.  Many offer a range of fun classes, storytime, and more for ALL AGES – babies to teens!  Or, just head over and grab lots of books to read.  We spend about 2 hours a week at the library just looking and reading books and enjoying the fun kids games they offer on the computers.

Swim swim swim!  We have a pool at our home and we will be in it most of the summer.  It keeps the kids busy and usually wears them out pretty well.  We have friends over once a week to swim too.  So if you don’t have a pool….maybe a friend does?? Or check out the YMCA in your town  Tips: don’t forget sunscreen! If you swim alot like us, beware of Swimmer’s Ear (it’s no fun) ask your doctor for info.

Splash Pads - Many areas now offer splash pads/water areas at their public parks.  These are a MUST for us.  We can’t go to the park in Florida in the summer without a way to continually cool off (unless we go at 7am or 9pm lol) To find out more contact your local Parks & Recreation division in your area.  Don’t forget sunscreen!!

$1 Movies at the Theater:  Regal is offering kids movies all summer at MANY locations for just $1 per ticket!  Check your local listings HERE

Bowling: Kids bowl for FREE all summer at AMF Bowling lanes (shoes not included).  Register HERE.

Vacation Bible School: check your local church locations for dates/times.  Many are FREE!

Go on a walk:  What better way to get in some exercise & family time + some education than a nice nature walk!  If it’s overly humid you may want to do this in the early eve or first thing in the morning.

Treasure Hunt: I do this with my kids year-round.  I make a list of things the kids need to find outside (or incorporate this into your family walk).  I give them a plastic bag and off they go.  They find things like rocks, leaves, pinecones, and more.  Fun & FREE!

Teach them to cook/bake:  Now that the kids are free from homework, baseball practice, youth group meetings, etc, they are home during all the meal time prep.  Let them help!  It will keep them busy and they will learn while having fun.

Have a theme day: We have theme days during the summer-once a week.  For example, the last week of June we have Patriotic Day where we dress in red, white, and blue.  We make crafts using red, white, and blue.  I then decorate with all the crafts for 4th of July!  Other ideas:  beach day, Christmas in July,  Cupcake Day (bake & decorate cupcakes and cupcake pictures).  Have crafts ready, word searches, printouts, paint, and more ready!

Volunteer: Children of any age can volunteer.  Small children can bring a smile to the face of nursing home residents!  Older children can pick up litter at the local park.  Donate to your local food pantry (great way to get the kids to help clean out the pantry!)  Bake a treat for an elderly neighbor or make a meal for a new mom.

Camp-in: Too hot to camp out?  Camp in the living room.  Grab sleeping bags and tell stories.  Have a fire place? Roast some marshmallows!  Sing songs.   Or if it’s not too hot, camp on the back porch or back yard.  FUN!

These are just a few ideas that we do every summer as a family.  Have more ideas to add? Be sure to leave them in the comment section below!